RFPs | Rates & Fees | Master Plan  |  Minimum StandardsDesign Standards | Development Guide  | Business License Rules & Regulations

The Airport has a total of 1,050 acres, with approximately 183 acres available for future development. 

Airport Property Available for Development

Please contact Aaron Ehle, Airport Development & Planning Specialist for information on available lots 970-962-2856

The Airport is located within the City of Loveland and project planning only needs approval from the City of Loveland Development Services. Developments on Airport must also adhere to the adopted Design Standards and Development Guide.

Land Lease Agreement

Colorado Airports Economic Impact Study 2020 By Colorado Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics



Anyone wishing to start a business at the airport is required to complete an Application for Business License and submit to the Airport Administrative office. The annual license fee is currently $300 per year.